large tonnage injection molding ROI

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The only thing more overwhelming than the amount of information available today is the myriad means to have it delivered to you.


The only thing more overwhelming than the amount of information available today is the myriad means to have it delivered to you.


How do you consume media content; what types of content do you seek out; how do you use information to make important decisions in your business? Gardner Business Intelligence, the research arm of Plastics Technology publisher Gardner Business Media is once again offering its Media in Manufacturing survey.


Please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey and exert your influence over media in manufacturing. Once the completed surveys are tabulated, you’ll be among the first to see how your media opinions and practices compare to others in industry. Your responses will be combined with others and shared in aggregate only, and your contact information will be used only to send results to you. Please take a few minutes now to provide your input.


Check out results from the 2015 survey here and see its key findings on buying cycles, social media, search, mobile and more.


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