Surf’s Up! Ride the Wave To New Features on PT Site
Now you can surf content by end market.
If you’re even a casual visitor to the Plastics Technology website, you’re probably accustomed to the way we organize content. We use what we call a “zone” structure, where articles that have been published in the magazine—along with some exclusive web-only content—are organized by major processes or topic areas of interest. For example, if you go to our home page and click on the zones tab at the top left of your screen, you will be brought to a page that lists all the zones to which you can navigate.
Let’s say you click on the Injection Molding Zone. Within that zone you can click to all the articles related to injection molding that we have published since 1999. But it doesn’t stop there. From that zone you can dig deeper into more narrowly focused “subzones, ” where you can research in-depth coverage of new technology, best practices, how to’s, and tips and techniques related to subjects such as micro-molding, all-electric molding, and liquid silicone rubber (LSR) molding, to name a few.
Or if you’re involved in extrusion, and are interested in what’s been reported on that technology, we have a zone for you, too. And once you’re in it you can link to subzones on film, sheet, compounding, etc. Same for blow molding, thermoforming, and more.
Throughout our site you can also link to our Know How columns, authored every month by globally recognized leading authorities in the fields of materials, injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, and tooling. You can link to Knowledge Centers, where experts in materials conveying, feeding, blending, drying, profile extrusion, training, rapid part making, and injection machinery give you access to their one-of-a-kind insights.
You can also link to our ever-growing list of webinars, non-commercial presentations on a wide range of technologies. You can connect to our suppliers’ database to find the machine or component that you need. Evaluating materials for a new application or looking for a lower-cost polymer than the one you’re currently using? Then click to the Plaspec Global materials selection database, a joint venture between Plastics Technology and M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH of Aachen, Germany.
We organize our content this way because your time is valuable, researching information on the internet is just part of what you do, and your plate is full.
Recently, we enhanced the functionality of our site by adding End Market zones. Now you can surf Plastics Technology’s content by three major end-use applications: packaging, medical, and automotive. Maybe you’re looking for additional business opportunities in one of these markets and are interested in learning what some of your potential competitors have been up to. Maybe you are interested in materials, equipment, and processing technologies related to these markets. You’ll find all that there. And be on the lookout for new end-market zones in the coming months.
Surf’s up!