
Explore The Biz Side of Plastics At The Plastics Leadership Summit

NPE2018 has set aside the mornings of Tuesday to Thursday, May 8 – 10 for a conference designed to provide cutting edge business insights to C-suite executives.  


NPE2018 has set aside the mornings Tuesday through Thursday, May 8 – 10 for a conference aimed specifically at the business side of plastics. It targets “C-Level” executives with an educational program intended to help them make better-informed strategic decisions that pump up their bottom lines.

This program, called The Plastics Leadership Summit, was created by William Carteaux, president and CEO of the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), and well-known industry consultant Jay Gardiner of New York-based Gardiner Plastics Inc. The half-day symposia offers executives from processors, brand owners and OEMs a first-of-its-kind educational and networking opportunity, while giving them ample time to walk the sold-out show floor afterward.

The summit, for which there is a separate registration fee, will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., which includes a networking lunch from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Speakers and presentations are organized through what Gardiner calls “three unique lenses,” assigned to different days: Profit (Tuesday), Product (Wednesday) and Production (Thursday). Dow Chemical is the event’s Platinum Leadership sponsor.

Tuesday, the Profit track will feature talks and panel discussions on how our industry can best take advantage of the capital markets for expansion both internally and through acquisition. Speakers and panelists include:

• Sharon Miller, managing director, head of small business, Bank of America
• Colin Convey, managing director, Goldman Sachs
• Craig P. Staub, managing principal, Odyssey Partners
• John Hart, managing director, P&M Corporate Finance
• Sam Smith III, managing director, Customers Commercial Finance

On Wednesday, May 9, the Product track is geared toward senior business development, sales and marketing, and product/divisional business managers. It will provide insights into projected demand for markets like medical, consumer products, aerospace, food and beverage, etc. Speakers and panelists include:

  • Rene Lammers, senior v.p., global beverage R&D, PepsiCo.
  • Theresa Hermel-Davidock, senior director, Abbott Laboratories
  • Jay Olson, global manager, materials engineering and technology, John Deere
  • Scott Farmer, executive v.p. and chief procurement officer, Berry Global
  • Dr. Alex Rubin, senior technical fellow, Boeing Research and Technology

On May 10, the Production track will cover topics such as workforce development and additive (3D and 4D) manufacturing, as well as “smart manufacturing.” Speakers and panelists include:

  • Steve Bieszczat, chief marketing officer, IQMS
  • Greg Haye, general manager materials & process development center, Local Motors Inc.
  • Mike Regan, director of 3D materials, HP Inc.
  • Peter Stansky, digitalization development manager, Siemens Inc.
  • Jay Timmons, president and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers

Notes Gardiner, “The Plastics Leadership Summit is an education event aimed at top management that looks at plastics from a business perspective. Executives who attend can come away with ideas that can improve their profit margin.”

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