Looking for Another Way to Compete?
Nearly all your costs of doing business have inflated dramatically.
Nearly all your costs of doing business have inflated dramatically. You’re being squeezed by overseas competition. Domestic markets are soft, credit is tight, and your firm’s capital spending has been put on hold. So what can you do to get an edge on the competition? You need something you can implement with existing assets or with new ones that don’t require big investment. Got the answer?
Try this one: Auxiliary Equipment. I’m talking about all that unglamorous, behind-the-scenes stuff that keeps production running: Materials drying, feeding, blending and conveying. Robots, conveyors, and other parts-handling automation. Process cooling. Granulating and scrap reclaiming.
In today’s challenging market conditions, makers of these types of equipment say there’s no better time to discover the no-cost and low-cost opportunities to increase efficiency and productivity from better understanding of how to specify and maintain auxiliaries. “That’s why auxiliary equipment is a management issue, not just a technical concern,” says one supplier. Others note that too many processors are buying used auxiliaries at auctions and “are cobbling lines together from mismatched components. Processors need to know how to specify and select these components for what they want to achieve.” At least one dryer manufacturer says 80% of users’ problems could be solved with better maintenance. And another warns that if your auxiliary equipment is outdated, you don’t know what it’s costing you in lost throughput and wasted energy, maintenance, and scrap production.
To help you uncover these “hidden” savings—and also learn about new technologies for materials and parts handling, cooling, and granulating/shredding—Plastics Technology is putting on what we believe to be the first conference and workshop ever dedicated solely to auxiliary equipment. The dates are Oct. 28-29, and the location is the Doubletree Chicago Hotel in Oak Brook, Ill. We’ll have 11 speakers in the morning sessions, a lunchtime panel discussion, and at least 18 afternoon workshops for small groups to engage in more detailed discussions about specific topics. Those afternoon workshops are the ideal opportunity to ask equipment suppliers about topics from the morning sessions or issues relating to your own plant. But you’ll need to sign up in advance. Workshops will be limited to 10 participants on a first-come/first-served basis.
Click here for full conference details and to register online. You definitely want to be part of this first-of-its-kind event.