What Would You Do With Some Extra Cash?
If you suddenly discovered an extra bundle of funds in your purchasing budget, what would you do with it? What would be the first use you would make of an extra $10,000? What about $100,000? Or $1,000,000?
I'm asking all our readers to take a few moments out of a summer's day to sit back and become Fantasy Shoppers. I'm not asking out of idle curiosity. This daydreaming exercise is serious editorial research. Really.
We want to know your priorities. What is it that you have been just wishing you could find some cash to buy? Knowing what's at the top of your wish list will help us plan future articles aimed at those interests. We also think it might give you some ideas if you knew what other readers want for their plants. That's why we are planning a special feature on your "Million Dollar Wish List." All who contribute their shopping fantasies will be eligible for a drawing of free gifts.
Here's how to participate: Write down as specifically as possible what you would buy if you had an extra $10,000 to spend on your plastics-processing operations. Also say what you'd do with an extra $100,000 and with an extra $1 million. Comment briefly on why you'd make those purchases. I'll also need to know your name, title, and phone number; the name and address of your company; and what kind of plastics processing you do and products you make. Send your "Million Dollar Wish List" to me via fax (212-592-6579). All responses must be received by October 1.