Last Chance to Benchmark Your Hourly Rates
Get your data in now for the Dec. 2014 Hourly Rates Survey, or we'll have to cancel that 6-month update.
It has been a busy season for everyone, what with the humming economy, the giant NPE show, and occasional weather problems clogging up transportation. Maybe that’s what kept you from contributing your data to latest Custom Injection Molders Hourly Rates Survey.
We originally planned to publish the results of the December 2014 survey in April. But responses have been too few to give reliable results. If we can get enough data in the next two weeks, we could still publish December 2014 results in June.
If not, we’ll cancel that survey and try again at the end of June for data on the first half of 2015.
We have tried—and mostly succeeded—in providing you with Hourly Rates Survey updates twice a year. But if once a year is sufficient for you, we’ll stick to just a midyear survey.
But no survey will succeed without your responses. It’s totally anonymous and takes just 5 minutes, so what’s to lose?
There’s a lot to gain—the only objective source of average custom machine-hour rates for presses of specific tonnage ranges in different regions of the country. You can see the latest results (June 2014) here.
If you’re a custom molder, please take 5 minutes to fill out our online questionnaire form here. (If you have any difficulty with the link, cut and paste this URL into your browser address bar:
Thanks, and please contribute to this unique survey to see data on your industry that’s not available anywhere else.
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