
Check Out the New PTonline.com


Following the relaunch of our print publication and electronic newsletters, our website has a new, vibrant look now, too.


If you are a regular reader of our print publication, you probably have noticed by now that it looks differently than it did back in June. In July, we launched a redesigned print version of Plastics Technology. We spruced up our logo and made many other changes to make the publication more modern, visually appealing, and easier to navigate from section to section so that you can more readily use the content to do your job better.

Around that same time, we applied these changes to our three electronic newsletters: The PT Insider, PT Products Insider, and PT Weekly. 

And just a few weeks ago we carried the redesign over to the website you are on now, PTonline.com.

The new web design, I think, is cleaner and more eye-catching and will make it easier for you to navigate to the really important stuff: the content. I hope you’ll agree.
We’ve retained our “Zone” model, where related content is aggregated in one place. So if injection molding is your thing, for instance, with one click you’ll land on a page with all of our injection molding content. You can narrow it down further from there.

Right below our Zone listings, you can point and click to any of the seven sponsored Knowledge Centers on our site. Have questions about purging? The Purging Compound Knowledge Center is for you. Having issues with conveying? Then click to the Plastics Conveying Knowledge Center.

We also have easier access to our collection of Know How columns on materials, injection molding, extrusion, and tooling, authored every month by experts in the field. Odds are, if you are facing a nettlesome processing problem, you’ll find a solution in one of these columns.

We also have added a few altogether new features. In the top navigation bar, you can quickly click on the Products link and be brought to all of the new products we’ve covered in Plastics Technology. Better yet, you can sort through these products to hone in on precisely what interests you. Shopping for a new hot-runner system? On the Products landing page, click on “Hot Runners” from the drop-down menu, and away you go.

Another new feature prominently displayed on the home page is called “This Just In.” While our focus is on best practices and deploying new technology, we recognize that you have a thirst for regular news too, and we’re now positioned to provide you with the most important developments of the day.

In all, I think our site is more vibrant; the content on it will change several times every working day. So hit that bookmark button.

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