
Extrusion: Flexible Coex Line for Barrier, Non-Barrier Structures

System can run a range of seven-layer productss, from high-barrier to all-polyolefin.


At K 2019, Bandera introduced and ran the Barrier Flex Seven line,  which can accommodate barrier, high barrier, and high-throughput polyolefin (no barrier) film production.  

In the interest of energy efficiency,  the line is furnished with low-energy drives and reluctance motor systems to minimize noise emissions and considerably simplify maintenance requirements. In response to the need for interconnected lines, Bandera redesigned its line-control system to improve process management and optimization. The enhanced line-control system maximizes communication with industrial equipment and systems for data collection and monitoring—an open connectivity with corporate information systems reportedly offers fast and efficient data collection and management.

The line is equipped with what Bandera calls the IoE (Internet of Extrusion), an HMI that is said to offer simplified diagnostics for driver and motor predictive maintenance and increased process control parameter accessibility. A wide and bright 3D synoptic display offers an overall one-glance overview of machinery and system status, as well as options to view remotely from a tablet or smartphone. 

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