
New Online Training for Mold, Part Designers & Process Engineers

New online training program for levels from introductory to advanced injection molding technology.


Torsten Kruse, whose firm, Kruse Analysis, is known for injection molding simulation services, has started a new venture to train part and mold designers and senior process engineers. Kruse Training provides an interactive, online training platform called “The Circle of Knowledge”—the “circle” referring to the productive flow of information between part and mold designers and process engineers.

This subscription-based program offers various levels of certification for successful completion. The “virtual learning assistant system” combines animation, timelines, videos, interactive quizzes, and multimedia presentations. The program is divided into four levels of training from introductory to advanced, covering molding fundamentals, polymer materials, part and mold design, processing, special processes, the molding machine, and “art-to-part.”

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