
Re|focus Session: Biobased Options for the Bottling Industry

The final day of the Re|focus Sustainability & Recycling Summit begins this morning at OCCC South, Level 3, Room S330, with breakfast at 8 a.m. and the first session 9 a.m. Don’t miss this lively panel discussion featuring speakers from Origin Materials, Braskem, and Dupont Industrial Biosciences. 


Today’s Re|focus Sustainability & Recycling Summit will begin with a closer look at biobased materials. 

Bottles and jars represent 75% of all plastic containers, and the market is estimated to be worth almost $390 billion in 2020. Companies are leveraging the consumer demand for sustainably-sourced polymers by developing biobased options for the bottling industry.

Today, come learn more about innovation in plastics derived from renewable sources, and how they may impact your business in the future. The session “Bio-based Bioplastics Polymers and the Future of Bottling” is scheduled to be moderated by Patrick Krieger, assistant director, Regulatory and Technical Affairs at PLASTICS; and feature Michael A. Saltzberg, PhD, of DuPont Industrial Biosciences; Ruth O’Neill of Origin Materials; and Jose Augusto Viveiro of Braskem.

Following the bioplastics session is the closing plenary, which will focus on additives for upcycling. Despite the ability to recycle plastics to very high purity levels, the physical properties of mechanically recycled plastics often do not hit the same properties of their virgin counterpart. New additives are being introduced to the recycling industry that helps boost properties of recycled plastics.

“Additives for Upcycling” will explore the latest in additive compounding that has the potential to return recycled plastics back to near-virgin like properties. It is scheduled to be moderated by Mark Richardson, engineering consultant at Series One, and feature Salvatore Monte of Kenrich Petrochemicals Inc.; Prem Patel of Milliken & Co.; and Timothy Dean of ExxonMobil Chemical Co.

Re|focus Sustainability & Recycling Summit requires separate registration. You can sign up to attend at

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