
Regeneration Power Saver Now Standard on Desiccant Dryers

Time- and money-saving feature saves processors time and money by controlling the desiccant-regeneration cycle.


Advanced Blending Solutions LLC / Thoreson McCosh has made the once optional Regeneration Power Saver a standard feature on its entire line of desiccant dryers.

Regen Power Saver is a feature that will short-cycle the standard bed- regeneration time by shutting down the heater once it senses that the cycle has been completed. This is accomplished the moment that the exhaust temperature of a bed being regenerated reaches a specified temperature level. Subsequently the bed is dry and ready to be put back into the drying process air stream.

When ambient conditions are favorable, typically in the winter, the standard regen cycle is generally too long and wasteful. This means the Regen Power Saver will save processors energy, time, and money.

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