
D.R. Joseph Named Exclusive U.S. Distributer of EuroChiller Cooling Products

Units supply chilled air to IBC and air rings to boost throughputs.


D.R. Joseph has been appointed EuroChiller’s exclusive U.S. distributor of high-efficiency
cooling coils and direct cooling systems for the blown film industry.

Cooling coils and direct air cooling systems are important components in achieving the highest possible production rate from an Internal Bubble Cooling (IBC) system. D.R. Joseph is leading supplier of such systems.

Chilling the inlet air temperature going to the IBC and an air ring results in an increase in production rate of 15-25% compared to using ambient air. This is more importance when film is produced in climates where the ambient temperature varies significantly, or where the summertime temperatures are very hot.

The three main EuroChiller product lines D.R. Joseph provides are the BRA+ Cooling Coil, Air+ Direct Air Cooling, and ABF EVO Inverter Direct Air Cooling System. The latter two systems are reportedly unique in that they are stand-alone direct air cooling systems. They are said to be ideal solutions when central cooling chilled water is not available, but more importantly when ultra-precise (±0.1°C) cooling air control is required. Air temperature control this precise in nature has benefits that include improved film quality, clarity and gauge while also providing improved throughput.

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