
Heating & Cooling at NPE 2003

Smaller, more efficient, and environmentally friendly are the themes for new heating/cooling products at NPE.


Smaller, more efficient, and environmentally friendly are the themes for new heating/cooling products at NPE. Chillers and mold-temperature controllers boast small “footprints” as well as improved energy efficiency and low-maintenance, corrosion-resistant construction. Water-treatment systems will be plentiful, especially chemical-free systems that are said to be easy on the environment. Also keep an eye out for a brand-new approach to barrel heating from Insul-Vest.

‘Cleaner’ water treatment

At least half a dozen exhibitors will be calling processors’ attention to the need for process-water filtration and treatment. Through a distribution agreement with Innovative Water Technologies, AEC and sister company Sterling Inc. now carry the TowerKlean water-treatment system, which is a chemical-free and environmentally safe system for cooling towers and process water. AEC offers it as the TK system, and Sterling calls it the Sterlco STK system. Innovative Water Technologies also has its own booth at the show.

New oil and water filtration systems are also being introduced by Miller-Leaman and Mokon. Automatic Filters is also showing a water filter.

Along similar lines, users of hot-oil machines will want to check out a new fluid from Paratherm that cleans sludge and carbon build-up out of their systems.


Chillers & temperature controllers

Chillers are being introduced by AEC, Berg Chilling Systems, Conair, Mokon, Motivair, Sterling, and Thermal Care. New hot-water and hot-oil mold-temperature controllers will be shown by AEC, Conair, Logic Corp., Mokon, Sterling, Thermal Care, and Wittmann. AEC, Sterling, and Thermal Care are showing hot-water units designed for CD/DVD molding. Both Conair and Wittmann are emphasizing economy for their new units. Logic Corp. is unveiling a hot-water unit that isolates its control of the mold from variations in voltage, water temperature and pressure, and machine cycle times. Most important, it automatically adjusts setpoints as room temperature changes.

It may be worth noting that four firms are showing negative-pressure systems for leak stopping and mold purging—Logic Corp., Mokon, QPC, and Wittmann.


New approach to heating

Insul-Vest is introducing an interesting way to heat barrels of extruders and molding machines. The barrels are encased in curved panels of ceramic-fiber insulation. These Insulwatt units have radiant infrared heaters un der the insulative cover. The heaters are set off from the barrel surface by 0.375 in. to leave room for air cooling. These new heaters are said to be energy efficient and to provide more consistent heat, greater durability, and improved safety relative to conventional barrel-heating me thods.

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