Introducing 'HD Plastics'
"High Definition Plastics" is a new way of thinking about the benefits of heat/cool molding with induction heating.
At Plastics Technology’s recent Molding 2016 Conference in New Orleans (see this month's Close Up), Steve Verschaeve, v.p. of North American business development for RocTool Inc., Charlotte, N.C., presented his company’s new concept of “High Definition Plastics.” RocTool is using this approach to educate the market to the benefits of Heat/Cool (or “Variotherm”) injection molding using the firm’s electromagnetic induction heating coils and its new high-performance cooling units (see March Keeping Up). With rapid, high-heat induction, the level of tool surface replication goes up to 97.2%, RocTool says, providing premium looks, high-gloss possibilities, and replication of extremely fine details and textures, such as laser engraving (photo). This avoids the costs of painting, coating, or use of in-mold films.
RocTool is compiling a materials database of surface quality, tool replication (of standard to micro-textures), weld-line strength, and flow length with both conventional injection molding and RocTool technology. This program targets both commodity plastics and high-performance resins such as PEEK and PEI, as well as highly filled compounds. There is also a new dedicated website, which includes case histories (“HD Stories”), the first concerning Nespresso’s new coffee maker.
At Molding 2016, Verschaeve mentioned that with the newer 3i Tech design, it is no longer necessary to wait for mold close before initiating induction heating. By the time the part is removed and the mold is closed, the tool often reaches molding temperature.
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