
Lectro Engineering’s Lee Williams Dies

Ralph (Lee) Williams, CEO and owner of Lectro Engineering Co., St.


Ralph (Lee) Williams, CEO and owner of Lectro Engineering Co., St. Louis, died suddenly on June 22 at age 61, as a result of complications from a rare lung disease and prostate cancer. Lectro, a manufacturer of plastic surface-treating systems, was founded by his father in 1960. After serving as a naval officer in nuclear engineering, Lee returned home to St. Louis in 1978 and went to work with his father building and improving the Lectro-Treat product line. Lee purchased the company from his father in 1990.

In 2001, Lectro Engineering purchased MTM Systems, a producer of downstream trimming equipment for blow molded containers, and added Automation Technologies Inc. (ATI) to expand further its engineering capabilities and to diversify into other related automated industries.

Lee is survived by his wife, Kim, son Brian, daughter Brandy, and two granddaughters. He is also survived by his mother, Ruth, who at age 92 attended the NPE 2012 show in Orlando again this year.

Continuing the management of Lectro Engineering are Greg Wood, president, and Rick Affolter, vp of operations.

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