Resinworks with Optimizer

Are You Compliant with New Chemical Safety Standards?

The Department of Homeland Security is moving forward with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards...


It might be unknown to many suppliers of raw materials, resins, compounders, and even processors, but the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is moving forward with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), a regulation that’s impacting chemical plants and refineries around the country. CFATS was created in 2006 to establish security standards for facilities considered to be at high risk. CFATS defines security requirements based on a list of about 323 chemicals, called COIs or chemicals of interest. If your process involves the use of any of these chemicals, you may have to deploy new security measures at your facility. CFATS does not just affect the chemical or petrochemical industries. It also includes sectors such as chemical manufacturing and plastics.
ADT’s Business Solutions website is loaded with timely information, videos and white papers on the subject. It’s worth a look.
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