Transparent Nylons That Can Also Be Used As Additives
Dual-function transparent nylons from Invista make debut at NPE2015.
A line of highly versatile semi-aromatic nylons with a unique combination of performance, cost-effectiveness and recycled content were launched by Invista, Wilmington, Del. Moreover, these Novadyn DI/DI transparent polymers can also be used as differentiated blend additives to improve traditional nylon performance. They targeted to bring value to users who require parts that are both transparent and chemically resistant.
“We developed Novadyn DI/DI nylon for transparent applications where polycarbonate struggles with chemical resistance or where more costly transparent polymers may be over-specified. The nylon world in not ‘dry as molded’. In humid environments, Novadyn nylons can boost traditional nylon properties, enable thinner parts, and enhance light-weighting initiatives,” says Allen Reihman, director of new business development for Invista.
As a blend additive for traditional nylons, Novadyn DI/DI nylon significantly improves conditioned mechanical properties for nylons 6/6 and 6, including up to 43% improvement reported in conditioned flexural strength and stiffness.
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