Arburg GmbH & Co. KG

Gneuss Extrusion, Filtration and Measurement Technology for Recycling Applications

NPE2024: Gneuss will highlight Omni recycling systems including filtration and measurement solutions.


Gneuss is highlighting technologies for processors of recycled materials at NPE2024, focusing on decontamination and devolatilization. The company’s OMNI recycling machines combine multiscrew extrusion, rotary filtration, vacuum and measurement technology, and can be customized for specific material applications for efficient decontamination. 

Typical applications include processing PET reclaim into thermoforming sheet, staple fiber, yarns or strapping tapes. PS, PP, PE and PLA can also be recycled. The OMNI series is also used in the decontamination of postconsumer waste to produce direct food contact products, and for odor reduction and degassing of PA, SAN or other polymers.

At NPE2024, a complete OMNI system is on display, comprised of a MRS 130 extruder, water ring pump vacuum system, RSF Genius automatic melt filtration and a VIS online viscometer. Processing capacity is 2,200 lbs/hr. of PET reclaim.

Control of extrusion, vacuum, dosing, degassing dwell time and filter exchange are fully automated, which helps to ensure the consistency of end product. Gneuss is highlighting the system’s compact footprint and ability to process input materials of varying properties.

MRS Extruder

The MRS extruder is based on conventional single-screw technology, but equipped with a multiple screw section for devolatilization. It enables efficient decontamination of the melt, helping to achieve food contact standards.

Multiple screw configuration.

Multiple screw section of MRS extruder. Source: Gneuss.

Vacuum and Filtration Manage Impurities

The vacuum system on display is a water ring pump system, designed for vacuums of 25-40 mbar. The large melt surface in the MRS extruder enables large quantities of volatile impurities to be extracted. These are separated from the vacuum flow automatically. Gneuss also offers deep  vacuum systems with appropriate separators as an alternative.

Three models of Gneuss filtration systems are on display: RSF Genius, SFneos and KSF. KSF is designed for applications with frequent material changes and enables simple and quick screen changes on the fly. SFneos offers automatic operation and large active screen surface area. The RSF Genius 150 includes an integrated back-flushing system for self cleaning.

Gneuss RSF Filter.

The RSF Genius filtration system, which can be retrofitted to an existing extrusion line as well as incorporated into an Omni system. Source: Gneuss.

VIS Online Viscometer

The recycling system is also equipped with the VIS online viscometer. Using a rigid gear pump, a partial flow of polymer melt is diverted from the main channel through a slotted capillary. There, measurements are taken which can be used to enable quality assurance and control product viscosity.

Tailored Measurement Technology

Gneuss also provides a variety of pressure and temperature measurement sensing solutions in support of quality assurance. The latest generation includes digital communication with integrated RFID chips available for all models.

With something to offer in both the recycling and digital connectivity spaces, the portfolio of products exhibited by Gneuss align with two of the most visible trends of NPE2024: the transformations enabling material resource circularity, and those enabling smarter process management with data availability.

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