Dukane Designated as Critical Manufacturer in Coronavirus Response
Among the world’s leading suppliers of plastic welding equipment, Dukane is doing its part during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ultrasonic welding plays a key role in a variety of plastic products and the manufacture of N95 masks is among them. Dukane, St. Charles, Ill., considered among the global leaders in plastic welding, is continuing production of plastic welding and joining equipment as an essential manufacturer. The company is involved in critical manufacturing and is a vital link in the supply chain to other critical manufacturers. Dukane and their employees are recognized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as “Workers essential critical infrastructure during COVID-19 response”.
Recently, Dukane was recognized by the U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic for their efforts to help during the coronavirus pandemic. Ambassador King and Foreign Minister Petricek had a virtual visit with Dukane and expressed their appreciation. The Dukane Team in Prague, is doing their part to help their community. Utilizing Dukane’s ultrasonic equipment, they have manufactured more than 10,000 masks that are being donated to the most at need organizations. Included are hospitals, emergency rooms, first responders, nursing homes, oncology centers and fire stations.
The team is making the masks from medical grade, non-woven material (typically melblown PP) that is being donated by an anonymous source. The Dukane team in Prague are working after their shifts, and on weekends to continue to make these masks to help their community. To ensure there is no spread of the virus, no outside volunteers are able to help, therefore the families of Dukane team members have been assisting to try and keep up with demand.
The Dukane team was honored to be recognized for their contribution to fight Covid-19. Said Brian Yamato, general manager of Dukane Czech Republic,“Our production is only a fraction of what automated machines are capable of, however, we are expanding lines and evolving our process. I work with some very clever and hardworking folks! Now is the time for us all to do what we can for others. I’m really proud of my Dukane family for volunteering.”
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