Additives: Novel Non-Phthalate Plasticizers for Flexible PVC
Valtris launches new biobased and fast-fusing phthalate plasticizers.
Valtris Specialty Chemicals, Swedesboro, N.J., has added two novel non-phthalate plasticizers for flexible PVC to its portfolio.
▪ Plas-Chek Platinum G-2000 is Valtris’ newest addition to its line of biobased products. G-2000 is an epoxy soyate ester with 85% certified biocontent, said to be an excellent general-purpose plasticizer with performance comparable to other non-phthalate general purpose plasticizers. It boasts good processing performance, excellent low temperature properties, and outstanding heat stability. Formulators can also combine Plas-Chek Platinum G-2000 with one of Valtris’ Santicizer non-phthalate plasticizers, to create optimized solutions for their specific processing needs.
▪ Santicizer Platinum P-1700 is the newest addition to Valtris’ line of non-phthalate fast fusing plasticizers. Based on cyclohexanoate technology, P-1700 reportedly combines high solvating ability with low volatility and excellent migration resistance. P-1700 can lower both formulation and production costs while improving final product properties, according to the company. Formulators can also take the opportunity to combine P-1700 with other general purpose non-phthalate plasticizers, to create optimized solutions for their specific processing needs. When using P-1700 in combination with general purpose plasticizers, manufacturers will see improved efficiency and processing speed without sacrificing emissions or migration.
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