Barrier PBT for Monolayer Film Extrusion and Thermoforming
BASF’s Ultradur Barrier B6560 M2 FC TF said to close the gap between monomaterial solutions and recycling of packaging.
A new PBT from BASF is said to close the gap between two key challenges faced by the packaging market: the trend towards monomaterial solutions and recycling of packaging as simple and efficient as possible. Ultradur Barrier B6560 M2 FC TF is touted as a true monomaterial, which offers great advantages in sorting and recycling.
At the same time, the material is characterized by excellent barrier properties. The processability of the PBT is ideal for the extrusion of films and the thermoforming of packaging or technical parts. Ultradur Barrier B6560 M2 FC TF’s barrier properties in food packaging reportedly extend the shelf life which leads to reduced food waste and transport costs. Its excellent mechanical properties are said to allow very thin-wall geometries, making it a sustainable alternative to PET/PO structures and aluminum. Easy colorability and even foaming is claimed.
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