
Heating/Cooling: Variotherm & Economy TCUs Debut at Fakuma

Active variotherm hot/cold circulators are new for Frigel, which also brought out an economical pressurized-water TCU built in India.


Frigel of Italy bought Green Box Srl, an Italian competitor in industrial cooling systems, early last year. One result of that acquisition has been Frigel’s first entry into “active” variotherm hot/cold mold-temperature-control systems. “Active” systems alternate between circulating hot water at up to 180 C and cold water. (Frigel already supplied “passive” variotherm systems, which suspend cooling during mold filling, allowing the hot melt to heat the mold, and then turn on cooling flow.) Frigel’s new Thermogel THC units have heating capacity up to 54 kW and cooling capacity up to 180kW. They have a 7-in. touchscreen control interface.

Thermogel THC is bing built by Frigel Intelligent Cooling Systems India Ltd. (FICS), a joint venture of Frigel and Matsui Technologies India Ltd. Also being built by FICS is a new small, low-priced TCU, Thermogel TDK. It heats pressurized water up to 160 C, and it’s small enough to fit under an injection machine.

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