WSB Gravimetric Blenders

Injection Molding: New Hybrid Option For Small Machines

Boy Machines, for the first time, is offering a hybrid option on its injection molding machines.


Boy Machines is now for the first time offering a servo-driven electric injection unit as an option for its servohydraulic machines. The new Servo-Plast eSP unit, with two servomotors for plasticating and injection, is available for Boy 60 E to Boy 125 E presses. Boy says this hybrid option allows operation of the injection unit independently of the hydraulics used for clamping and other functions, which is an advantage for short cycles and large shot sizes relative to the press tonnage.

The new electric injection units have been completely redesigned and incorporates the latest force-measuring technology in a patent-pending arrangement that is said to maintain the highest accuracy for the injection switchover point, which is guaranteed within ± 0.01 mm.

A hybrid Boy 100 E with eSP technology will be running at the K 2019 show in Dusseldorf, Oct. 16-23. It also features a new and more compact design: Compared with its predecessor, the machine length has been reduced by 460 mm, for a new footprint of only 4.62 m2.

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