
Injection Molding: News in Automation at K 2019

Three units of the Hahn Group showed new automation solutions at October’s K 2019 show in Dusseldorf.


Three units of the Hahn Group showed new automation solutions at October’s K 2019 show in Dusseldorf. First, Waldorf Technik demonstrated an enhancement to its Vario TIP System for demolding and cavity sorting of syringe barrels. Now it’s possible to apply digital printing to the parts right after demolding. After cavity sorting and at least two QC checks, the cylinders are plasma treated, printed, and dried with UV radiation.

Waldorf also presented the new EVE Suite of digital services from Hahn Digital. For example, EVE Analytics allows remote monitoring of system status on a PC, smartphone or tablet. And EVE Support offers guided remote maintenance through use of augmented reality and smart glasses for video calls.

Hahn’s Wemo unit, which supplies linear (Cartesian) robots, showed off its new WIPS 4.0 control software and lightweight handheld pendant, W-Hp12, with a 10.1-in. color touchscreen. The screen has a customized start page, integrated touch pen, and swipe functionality for faster navigation. Hardware buttons are provided for most-used functions, like activation of axis movement and main operation buttons for start, stop and reset. Three levels of safety buttons include a “dead-man’s grip.”

Wemo also showed off two sizes of its new xPacker fast palletizing robot (pictured), which appeared at Fakuma 2018 (see March ’19 Keeping Up). A unique vacuum gripper detects the object’s size and activates only the needed vacuum channels.

Hahn’s third automation unit, GeKu, showed its latest acquisition, the Sawyer one-armed collaborative robot from the former Rethink Robotics (see March ’19 Starting Up).

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