
Tooling: Hose Provides Flexible Cooling

Hasco’s TempFlex Z976/ and Z977/ metal-braided hose provides assembly, interchangeability, and adaptability to any groove pattern. 


Hasco says its TempFlex Z976/ and Z977/ can be outfitted on existing molds with inadequate cooling performance to provide cooling optimization, bringing temperature control to mold or spacer plates via simultaneous conformal cooling. Complex deep-hole bores and high-pressure losses due to 90° deflections can be eliminated.

The flexible metal-braided hose allows flow rates to remain the same, while high temperature resistance is also guaranteed. The square hose cross-section offers optimum heat transfer to all mold plates. Corrosion in the cooling channels can also be eliminated.

The TempFlex Z976/ is available in diameters of 9 and 13 mm with three different lengths and a metric connection. The Z977/ comes in 9-mm diameter as per the U.S. Standard. Other lengths can be supplied as custom sizes. Because there is no deep-hole boring and plugging, Hasco says  using the new TempFlex for manufacturing mold plates can lead to a considerable cost reduction. 


Hasco braided metal cooling hose

The flexible metal-braided hose allows flow rates to remain the same, while high temperature resistance is also guaranteed.


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