Web-Enabled Color Measurement Harmonizes Different Instruments
New software uses the internet to streamline color communications by providing “virtual calibration” so that different makes and models of instruments measure color to the same standards.
Read MoreThe Fine Art Of Separation
If you need ground plastic waste separated from metal particles, or plastic flakes separated by color or density, Butler-MacDonald Inc. is up to the job.
Read MoreImagineers: Brainstorming About Plastics in Cars
Five years down the road, your automobile might feature snap-on body panels with molded-in color that hang on a frame of glass-reinforced polyurethane.
Read MoreSingle-Screw Mixing 101
Almost all processes using a single screw require some degree of mixing, whether it’s just to homogenize regrind with virgin resin or to mix in some color concentrate.
Read MoreA. Schulman Buys McCann Color
A. Schulman, Inc., is pursuing strategic growth in the North American masterbatch market by purchasing McCann Color, Inc.
Read More‘Lean’ Molding & Liquid Color: A Good Fit
If you want to take up parasailing, it’s probably best that you have no fear of heights.
Read MoreRTP Company Introduces Fluoropolymer Color Masterbatches for Wire & Cable
WINONA, MINNESOTA, USA -- Global custom engineered thermoplastic compounder RTP Company has commercialized a line of melt processable fluoropolymer (MPFP) color masterbatches for the wire and cable industry.
Read MoreTesting & Measuring Instruments: More Versatile, Compact, Affordable
From polymer characterization to on-line bottle or preform inspection, coordinate measuring, and color sensing, new testing and measuring instruments at the NPE show in Chicago were easier to use and more compact, yet often packed higher performance than earlier versions—and sometimes with a more attractive price tag.
Read MoreNew Concept for Multi-Shot Molds
Production of multi-color or multi-material articles on a conventional injection press without additional equipment is enabled by new tooling technology from German moldmaker Zahoransky Formenbau GmbH.
Read MoreMINICOLOR G: Gravimetric Additive Feeder offers blending accuracy within 0.01%
The compact gravimetric dosing/blending unit for the addition of masterbatch/additive in granular form is suitable for use on injection molding/blow molding machines and extruders; it is insensitive to vibrations and specially designed for mounting directly onto the feed throat of the processing machine ensuing masterbatch savings of up to 50 %. The masterbatch storage bins can be removed together with the associated dosing screw allowing for a very fast color change and easier cleaning.
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