Mobile Wireless Speaker Overmolded with Specialty Silicone-Based TPE
WEB EXCLUSIVE: The new UE Boom 360°-sound mobile wireless speakers from Logitech International, Newark, Calif., are said to be the first with durability provided by TPSiV (thermoplastic silicone vulcanizate) from Multibase, a Dow Corning company.
WEB EXCLUSIVE: The new UE Boom 360°-sound mobile wireless speakers from Logitech International, Newark, Calif., are said to be the first with durability provided by TPSiV (thermoplastic silicone vulcanizate) from Multibase, a Dow Corning company, Copley, Ohio. The premium-feel specialty TPE was selected for overmolding the spine, end caps, and branding tag on the new speaker. The Logitech speaker required a strong spine with volume controls and the end caps with functional features. Wear resistance, vibrant colors, processability, and laser-etching capabilities were all critical requirements. TPSiV 4000-80A combines the benefits of a TPU matrix and dispersed domains of fully vulcanized silicone rubber. It boasts easy processing, good abrasion and stain resistance, along with a silky, soft-touch feel in a rich palette of highly durable colors.
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