Ethan Ravotti has joined iD Additives as a technical specialist having gained experience in the company’s foam, purge and EcoProduct lines as an iD customer.
PCS Company is introducing new sizes for its Flexible Insert Tooling System (F.I.T.S.) offering in support of prototyping, sampling and short production tooling.
The same year it marked its 70th year in business, custom injection molder Hoffer Plastics (South Elgin, Illinois) — which routinely reinvests more than 10% of its annual revenue back into new equipment — prioritized automation in that CapEx with some stunning results.
In partnership with material suppliers, Engel is proving out injection molded thermoplastic-based concepts for electric vehicle battery housings, utilizing production tools and dedicated machines at its large press factory in St. Valentin, Austria.
Zahoransky’s new internal mold handling technology foregoes the time, space and money required for core-back, rotary table or index plate technologies for 2K molding.
The Plastics Industry Association’s Committee on Equipment Statistics (CES) third quarter shipment data for primary plastics machinery in North America showed improvement.