Plastics Recycling Latam STD

First Aseptic Carton Bottle for Enriched Dairy Products

Nova Chemicals and Tetra Pak collaboration has led to recent commercialization of novel package.


Nova Chemicals and Tetra Pak collaboration has led to recent commercialization of novel package.


This week at the 2016 TAPPI PLACE conference in Ft. Worth, Texas, Nova Chemicals and Tetra Pak co-presented a paper on their successful collaboration to develop what appears to be the first aseptic carton bottle for ambient white milk.


Moreover, the oxygen barrier properties of Nova’s Surpass HPs667-AB HDPE made it possible for Tetra Pak to expand beyond ambient white milk to enriched dairy alternatives, including flavored and toddler and baby milk in its new Tetra Evero Aseptic package.


“The first generation of the Tetra Evero Aseptic package focuses on ambient white milk, but the ambition was to extend to a range of liquids that could be stored at room temperature throughout the supply chain and in retail outlets. To develop this, Tetra Pak searched for a new polyethylene with the exceptional oxygen barrier properties that this package required. Using Nova Chemical’s HPs667-AB resin, we are able to expand into some of the best performing categories in the global dairy market, such as flavored and vitamin fortified milk,” said Tunc Turkmen, product director for Tetra Evero Aseptic.


Produced with Nova’s Advanced Sclairtech dual-reactor process and single-site catalyst, HPs667-AB is a bimodal homopolymer, 6-melt index, 0.967 g/cc HDPE for cast film and extrusion coating. The material reportedly offers excellent barrier and stiffness performance, which helps converters and brand owners improve the sustainability of packaged goods in a wide variety of applications, including cereal, crackers, dairy and other liquids.


Experts from Nova Chemical’s Center for Performance Applications and Center for Applied Research in Calgary, Alberta, worked closely with the Tetra Pak team to qualify the HPs667-AB resin to meet the Tetra Evero Aseptic performance requirements. In addition, the Nova team helped Tetra Pak ensure that the barrier properties were retained throughout a complex, unique production process and the use of pigmented resins.


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Tetra Pak Evero Aseptic Package

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