
Free, Assisted Data Transfer for Injection Molding Monitoring and Control Platform

For a limited time and free of charge, RJG will help users of its eDART platform transfer data to its CoPilot system using a new data migration tool.


RJG is now offering a new data migration tool so users of its eDART injection molding process monitoring and control devices can transfer their data, including mold/process configurations and templates, to the company’s new CoPilot process control. To expedite the process. RJG can undertake the data transfer free of charge for a limited time on behalf of its customers.

An RJG spokesperson told Plastics Technology that the company can perform the migration remotely, further simplifying the task. The new data migration tool is part of a change being made to RJG’s networking platform, The Hub. The spokesperson said the eDART data will be transferred into The Hub and then disseminated to the individual CoPilots.

RJG stated in a release that while its eDART system has long been recognized for its ability to monitor and control various aspects of the injection molding process, the company is making the transition over to its new CoPilot System, which it describes as a process control system that offers visibility and traceability in a user-friendly platform. The spokesperson did say that RJG will continue to produce, sell and support its eDART units.

By supporting clients transitioning from eDART to CoPilot, RJG says it will prevent forcing molders to recreate templates on each CoPilot. RJG’s support team will complete the data transfer and ensure its accuracy. RJG customers can find more information about the data-transfer tool and see if they qualify at this website.

RJG data transfer

RJG is assisting customers who are interested in upgrading from its eDART process monitoring and controls to its new CoPilot system with data transfers. Photo Credit: RJG 

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