
Enhanced Injection-Blow Machine In Servohydraulic and Hybrid Versions

NPE2024: Jomar is showing its 85-S GEN II machine with beefed-up specs in standard servohydraulic version and brand-new hybrid model.


Jomar’s IntelliDrive 85-S GEN II injection-blow machine comes in servohydraulic and brand-new hybrid versions.

Jomar’s IntelliDrive 85-S GEN II injection-blow machine comes in servohydraulic and brand-new hybrid versions. Source: Jomar Corp.

At the K 2022 show, Jomar Corp. updated its Intellidrive 85-S injection-blow machine with the new 85-S GEN II model, which boasted higher clamp force (76 tons) and trigger-bar length (26.5 in.). The machine has a servohydraulic injection unit, digital clamp controls, and hydraulic clamp with electric variable-frequency drive (VFD), as well as the latest machine controller with color screen. This machine is on display at NPE2024, along with a hybrid version that is making its debut here.

The hybrid version has a servo drive on the injection unit, but still a VFD/hydraulic clamp. It offers increased cleanliness by reducing the use of hydraulics and costs a bit more – within 12% of the servohydraulic version. The hybrid may be considered the next step in Jomar’s evolution toward a true all-electric, according to the company.

Both versions of the IntelliDrive 85-S GEN II include an extremely precise digital clamp open/close system that reportedly increases the speed of the clamp cylinders while prolonging their lifespan. It also reduces the closing impact of the press, extending mold life.

Some other improvements include relocating the high-voltage box for easier access, nickel-plated moving platens and transfer head to remove paint from the molding area, and remounting the servo drives to make access easier.

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