
Process Monitoring System Adds Upgrades

WLAN compatible for the first time, Kistler says its ComoNeo 4.1 has also made pressure-curve monitoring in all cavities more precise, while adding more interfaces.


Kistler Group has upgraded its ComoNeo process monitoring system, including making the ComoNeo 4.1 WLAN compatible for the first time ever, so that a normal USB stick with Wi-Fi capability is all that’s needed to integrate the system into a company’s existing network via WLAN. This allows the process monitoring system to connect to the broader production environment wirelessly.

In addition, ComoNeo’s user interface now has an External UI function, so users can view external data like production figures from ComoDataCenter or an MES on ComoNeo’s display. ComoNeo UI can also be viewed on the machine control or elsewhere via VNC (Virtual Network Computing), allowing customers to assemble an individual HMI on a variety of devices.

Kistler adds that ComoNeo 4.1 makes monitoring of the pressure curve in all cavities more precise, thanks to an envelope curve adapted to the process. The envelope curve is calculated based on however many curves the molder would like to use, and it establishes a reference point for a stable injection molding process. Using this, Kistler says profiles can be checked for deviations with high precision. The company says this would be particularly helpful when molders need to evaluate individual events or the entire profile to ensure compliance with critical tolerances. Molders can also set the quality criteria manually.

Unique Additions Tailored to Medical

ComoNeo 4.1 also includes two new software modules supporting more stringent requirements for electronic production records in medical. ComoNeoLDAP uses your company’s existing Windows user management, allowing direct, automated management of existing user guidelines. ComoNeoLOG, meanwhile, ensures secure, time-indexed electronic storage of all user activities that involve changing or deleting electronic records, creating an audit trail.

Kistler ComoNeo 4.1

Kistler’s ComoNeo 4.1 has WLAN connectivity for the first time. 

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