
Safe and Reliable Cooling Line Coupling

Hasco says its new clean break cooling range of couplers offer one-handed quick-release operation.


Hasco says its new clean break Hasco line of couplers gives users maximum safety during uncoupling, as well as excellent tightness and durability. The cooling system features flat-end sealing surfaces and shut-offs on both sides to enable clean break opening and closing under pressure without media leakage.  

The one-handed quick-release couplings also provide precise guidance of the sealing nipple, to guarantee safe and independent coupling with a maximum flow rate and low pressure drop. Hasco says they’re ideal for clean-room and high-temperature applications, being constructed from high-quality materials 2.0401 (brass) and 1.4305 (stainless steel). Hasco notes that the couplings function well, including at high temperatures, regardless of the cooling medium.

Hasco cooling line coupling

Hasco’s new cooling line coupling allows one-handed operation.
Photo Credit: Hasco

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