John Bozzelli

John Bozzelli Founder

Minimize Screw Recovery & Cycle Times

There are hundreds of details you must identify and control to run a successful molding plant. One that is almost always at the top of the list is optimizing cycle time. Shorter cycles that make acceptable parts improve profits.

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How to Specify A Resin Dryer

To dry your polymer correctly you need a dryer that is properly designed and working properly. Here are my suggested specifications, for a two-, three- or four-bed desiccant dryer, the most common types used.

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Get the Most From Your Tooling

The history and culture of the molding industry has been to pull out every trick possible to work around design, resin, tooling, processing, and testing issues once the mold arrives. It is time to rewrite history.

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Establish a True ‘24/7’ Production Process

New or existing mold trials need to produce a production-worthy process that will run 24/7.

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Nozzle Leaks: Why They Occur, How to Detect & Fix Them

Nozzle leaks are a serious problem in injection molding. Here are some causes and remedies.

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Should You Profile Injection Velocity?

If you can get by with one velocity, use only one, because fill time is easier to reproduce, and it is easier to set up the process.

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Understanding Polymer Flow: Interpreting the Viscosity Curve

Take the time to do the viscosity curve on new molds. You will learn more in that hour than many learn in years about the process for this tool.

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All About ‘Cushion’

What it means. Why it's important.

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Getting Good Data from DOE

How do you know what process variables control a part’s dimensions or other properties? A properly conducted DOE is the answer—but incorrect procedure will yield useless data.

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best practices

Improve Profits by Graphing Injection Pressure

Graphing is a powerful aid in optimizing the process and troubleshooting both process and machine issues.

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What to Calibrate on Your Press

There are different approaches to meeting the goal of making parts identically. At the heart of all them is the process or the machine setup sheet. My bet would be you cannot find two that are identical.

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Molds & Tooling

Why Multi-Cavity Molds Fill Unevenly

Balanced filling is critical for making identical parts, achieving high CPKs, holding tight tolerances, and getting “good” data from design of experiments.

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