Aiming at a variety of automotive applications such as cup holders, air-guide systems, window seals is Kraiburg TPE, Duluth, Ga., which launched at NPE2015 new custom high-flow TPEs.
What is said to be a “revolutionary” device designed to capture molten plastic purges and create a safer environment for personnel and equipment in plastic processing operations is being introduced at NPE2015 by the Dyna-Purge div. of Shuman Plastics. Lava-Shield is the result of a two-year development project and hundreds of rigorous field trials.
Just last year, Eastman Chemical and Helian Polymers of The Netherlands, a leader in filament 3D manufacturing, teamed up to launch a 3D printing filament under Helian’s ColorFabb brand based on Eastman’s Amphora 3D XT-copolyester.
At NPE2015, DuPont scientists and other industry experts will host seminars on recycling and material innovation & selection for automotive, packaging, and medical devices.