The sheet extrusion machinery supplier will invest $10 million in an expansion that will nearly double manufacturing space and capacity at its Aurora, Ill. headquarters.
Does it seem like one type of mechanical failure causes most downtime in your shop; do more things seem to go wrong with certain shifts/operators/lines? Apply metrics and remove “seems” from your vocabulary.
Plastics might be many environmentalist’s Public Enemy No. 1, but in Illinois, Hoffer Plastics was just recognized for showing how sustainable the material, and those who process it, can be.
Dalen Products Inc., a supplier of gardening items for Walmart and other retailers, is reshoring some production from China to its Knoxville, Tenn., headquarters.
As is often the case with a new technology, customers are dictating how predictive-maintenance sensors will be applied and where they might be headed next.
After BRIC countries largely built up their markets during the Great Recession, developed economies today seek continued growth despite emerging market maladies.
When I spoke with Scott Huff about his China-based company’s plans to open a new production facility in the U.S., he was actually getting ready to board a flight to Shenzhen.