If everything from government agencies and leading retailers to celebrity iCloud photos and even cars can be hacked, what chance at IT security does a web-enabled plastic processor stand?
At the convergence of smarter equipment, open communication protocols, and more powerful networks, a new shop floor emerges where groups of intelligent machines work seamlessly as integrated systems.
A medical tubing extrusion line, all-electric injection molding machine, and medical extrusion certificate are the latest additions to Hennepin Technical College (HTC) Plastics Engineering Technology program.
Despite the fact that material specification in a part drawing will literally make or break a component, this key attribute is often treated like an afterthought, if addressed at all.
Industry 4.0—the internet of things—is bringing a new level of connectivity to auxiliary equipment. Here’s a rundown of developments there, along with other news in auxiliaries from the show.
A custom injection molder is at the center of an innovative partnership among businesses, governments and various organizations to not only better prepare job seekers for employment but also match their skill sets with companies’ pressing labor needs.
Reduced clamp force, shorter cycles, lower melt viscosity, and higher dimensional stability are just some of the purported benefits of foam injection molding.
Avian (USA) Machinery LLC, the U.S. branch of China-based size reduction equipment supplier Avian Group, has moved into a new building in the Chicago area.
New building covers 4500-m2 (48,000-m2) and will allow Conair to combine manufacturing and offices into one facility down the street from its former site.