WSB Gravimetric Blenders

Glass Filled PP Compounds Replace Standard GF Nylons 66 and 6

Teknor Apex’s modified GF PP compound replaces a GF nylon 66 in  AdBlue tank cover for Mercedes, resulting in several processing advantages.


Teknor's modified glass-filled PP compounds replace nylons 66 and 6
Photo Credit: Teknor Apex

A family of glass-filled engineering PP compounds with E-modulus that reach 11,000 MPa/1,595,415 psi and a HDT that reaches 320 F/160 C developed by Teknor Apex Germany are getting a lot of play these days due to several processing advantage.  The purpose of this development was to replace glass-filled nylons 66 and 6 with modified glass-filled PP, in an effort to offer customers alternative solutions that have similar properties to but are more economical than glass-filled nylons.

Among the key advantages of the Teknor Apex engineering glass- filled PP are: Easy to process material even through existing molds; similar shrinkage to nylons; a more environmentally conscious process as there is no need to pre-dry the material and the melting temperature, processing temperature, and mold temperature are all lower than those of nylon. Also cited are very good dimensional stability (no water or moisture absorption), temperature resistance (266 F/130 C/3000h) and UV stabilization, as well as superior surface aesthetics and laser marking ability.

To date, the Teknor Apex modified PP has replaced several glass filled nylon 66 and nylon 6 applications on existing molds. Here is one example of these nylon application replacements:

• Former material: Nylon 66 GF30

• Current material: Teknor Apex PP GF45

• Application: AdBlue Tank Cover for Mercedes

AdBlue, or diesel exhaust fluid, might be still unfamiliar to some motorists but owners of modern diesel cars with engines that are Euro 6 compliant will be familiar. AdBlue is a liquid used to reduce the nitrous oxide emissions of diesel engines and is made up of a mixture of urea and deionized water that is sprayed into the exhaust system. Its widespread introduction coincided with the current Euro 6 emissions standards, which are part of ever more stringent emissions targets that car manufacturers are now required to meet. Without AdBlue, it would be much more difficult to lower the emissions of diesel cars and get them to comply with the latest standards. Economical and visual benefits were reportedly reaped with the modified glass-filled PP compound replacement.

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