U.S. Plastics Sector Stars in Lackluster Global Economy
The U.S. plastics industry in 2014 succeeded despite a near-worldwide malaise, but how long can we thrive while our global partners falter?
Read MoreSlower Growth Continues
Still, business among processors has grown in 10 of the last 11 months.
Read MoreIndustry Grows…But Slower
Backlogs continue to grow, suggesting that processors’ capacity utilization and capital equipment investment should increase in 2015.
Read MoreMEDICAL MOLDING: Configure Your Molding Machine Into a ‘Clean Room’
You can meet the stringent requirements of the medical market without having to invest in a full-blown production clean room.
Read MoreGrowth For Seven Out of Eight Months
All signs point to an uptick in capacity utilization for the rest of 2014.
Read MoreIndustry Growth Continues
For three months running, the processing market has grown at its fastest rate since early 2012.
Read MoreChinese plastics machinery industry makes gains
What happens when China’s 1.3 billion people offer more to the global economy via their consumption as customers than their production as low-cost laborers?
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