Jim Frankland

Jim Frankland President


Extrusion: Reducing Energy, Part II: ‘Adiabatic’ Extrusion

The term adiabatic extrusion was very popular in the ’60s and ’70s, but has seemingly disappeared from the processing terminology of today.

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Extrusion: Run Your Chevy Volt with Extruder Energy Savings—Part I

The electricity saved on a large extrusion line could power a number of Chevrolet Volts.

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Extrusion: Start Up and Shut Down Properly

A key goal during startup and shutdown of the extruder is to prevent degradation of the polymer left in the extruder and downstream components such as screen changers, adapters, and dies.

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Extrusion: Take Care of Your Rolls So They Can Play Their Role

In the sheet extrusion business, one of your most important manufacturing assets is your cooling rolls.

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Your Extruder's Best Friend

That's the melt pump, and its main purpose is to precisely control output to the die.

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Extrusion & Thermal Properties: Not Just for the Lab Guys

Do you really need to know how thermal properties of polymers affect extrusion?

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Single-Screw Mixing 101

Almost all processes using a single screw require some degree of mixing, whether it’s just to homogenize regrind with virgin resin or to mix in some color concentrate.

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best practices

How Much Regrind Can You Handle?

Most extrusion operations generate scrap, and in the case of sheet for thermoforming it can exceed 70% of total output.

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Don't Get Burned by Adapters & Flow Pipes

Does degraded or burned polymer seem to show up when you least expect it?

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Having Output Problems? Check Your Feed-Port Design

With an extruder, like all other devices, “it can’t come out unless it goes in first.” That’s the first thing I remember when I am asked to figure out why an extruder is performing below expectations.

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Extrusion Know-How: The Whys & Hows (& Ifs) of Vented Extruders

Vented or two-stage screws only make sense when volatiles must be removed in order to make a satisfactory product.

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